At the hardware store near my house the two parking spaces closest to the building are reserved for veterans. I see them every time I pull into the parking lot, and every time I have a brief internal struggle as I try to decide if I should park in one of them. I am a veteran, after all, and I appreciate the gesture the store makes, but sometimes I’m grateful that the spots are taken, and I don’t have to decide. Continue reading
Remember The Ember
It’s late. I should go to bed – I’ve been up for 17 hours, worked an entire workday and have been doing homework for 5 additional hours. I’ve peeked at the news every now and then – it’s almost impossible not to – and marveled at how just a few short months ago not a single one of us knew that some invisible entity was about to turn our lives upside down.
But do we ever know? We never can be certain that the next week, month, or year might hold something dreadful. We may get sick ourselves or face the horror of a loved one falling ill or getting injured. We may lose our jobs. We may lose a beloved pet. We may lose hope.
And that’s where I draw the line. Continue reading